Tuesday, March 28, 2023

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K9 Security London

Providing professional and affordable security solutions across the city.

K9 Security London offer a unique and comprehensive range of services that covers all aspects of protecting your premises. Whether you are in need of a fully licensed security dog unit, NASDU or BIPDT certified handler, or an experienced SIA trained security officer, we have got you covered.

Providing the best possible protection for your property, staff and assets is our number one priority. Our experienced team of security guards have a vast and diverse range of experience to ensure the security of your premises is as robust as possible.

We have a great range of options to suit your needs, so please do not hesitate to get in touch for further information and a no obligation quote.

The best way to protect your business K9 Security London from theft and vandalism is through proactive preventative measures. With a mobile patrol team, we can visit your premises on a regular basis and check for suspicious activity such as break ins or theft of stock or equipment.

Our high quality, professionally accredited dog units are complemented by a top notch canine handler and a security vehicle emblazoned with your business logo. A dog-related service of this nature is an excellent investment in the long term security of your business and staff.

Using a canine guardian as part of your perimeter or intrusion detection system is an impressive and highly effective measure to reduce crime rates, especially in high-risk areas. As they are natural guardians, they are often the first responders to a security breach, alerting you to an incident before it becomes too serious.

Most importantly, dogs are highly intelligent creatures, capable of performing tasks like detecting and alerting to dangers before they are even detected by human eyes or ears. A properly trained security dog will not only detect the telltale signs of a potential threat, but can also be used to detain or arrest perpetrators before they commit a crime.


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